Sept 1, 2008 0:29:55 GMT -5
Post by Roe on Sept 1, 2008 0:29:55 GMT -5
- The Basics -
Name: Slate Meaning: idk Nicknames: Steel Alias: alias?
Species: Wolf Breed: Timber Wolf
Age: 6
- Appearance -
Height: 4 ft to shoulder. 5 ft from nose to tail Weight: 192
Description: Silver and Brown with yellow eyes -----------------------
Accessories: none Scars: none
Other Information: Very Sleepy.
- Personality -
Summary: Lazy, headstrong, laid back. -----------------------
Strengths: Great Strength. Jaw Strength
Weaknesses: Not very fast. Scuffed paw pads( stings when he walks)
- Other Information -
Pack: not yet in rp i guess Rank:none
Relations: ------ Fighting Techniques:Quick witted
- Images -