Dec 5, 2010 22:03:14 GMT -5
Post by dakotasan on Dec 5, 2010 22:03:14 GMT -5
- The Basics -
Name: Dakota (Dakota-san) Meaning: Friend Nicknames: -- Alias: (hehe... too many to say...)
Species: Dog Breed: German Shepherd
Age: Adult Gender: Female
- Appearance -
Height: 26 inches Weight: 80 lb
Description: Dakota is VERY large for her breed and is kind of hard to push around, there for of her weight and size. Dakota has black claws along with black paw pads, Same markings as John and Lightish-Darkish blue eyes
Accessories: -- Scars: --
Other Information: --
- Personality -
Summary: Dakota is very serious most of the time but does know how to have fun, She's great at tracking things and is an excellent runner.
Strengths: Dakota is a very fast runner, faster than most GSD's which is a great advantage for her, She has powerful jaws, and when she locks on, she doesnt let go. Dakota also has a thing for climbing tree's to escape enemies when she does not have enough energy to fight back. Another attack like the Kai brothers, Dakota has found a new, lethal weapon. If done correctly, The user is able to run at a high speed, latch onto the foes neck and spin all the way around the foes neck slicing through, if done correctly, can rather detach the head, or just cut through all the main parts (NOT detaching head)
Weaknesses: Dakota has very few weakness's because of her weight and size, but if she is to be held by: both front feet, both back feet and her neck, she is completely defenseless.
- Other Information -
History: Dakota is the daughter of Sahara and Shadow, the two great leaders of Isaria. Dakota and her half sister Taylor along with her two brothers are taken by dog fighting people. Dakota's brothers are killed in fights and Dakota is able to escape. Taylor is trained for fighting and after her first win escapes to Ohu to search for her sister. When Dakota turns 2 she is officially and Ohu soldier. At the age of 4 she is sent to talk to Gin about a mutant dog on a killing spree when she meets John, the German Shepherd. She instantly falls in love but tries not to show it. She leaves blushing and her heart pounding. One night when Dakota is out searching for remaining dogs that survived the attack she finds John being dragged by 5 dogs, she kills 4 of them, the last one to flee and tell Victor, Hougen's son. Dakota and John talk a bit after she keeps him warm from the night snow, and they become mates that night. Dakota and John spend another 3 years together before having pups. Rena, Kenji, Paragon and Rikyu. John knows of his death when he is in face with Hougen, he pleads her to leave the battle with the pups or they will all die. Dakota sadly agrees and leaves to raise her pups in the Ohu mountains.
Pack: Isaria (IN Ohu) Rank: Alpha Female
Relations: John is her mate
Fighting Techniques: Ketsetu Battouga ((The user is able to run at a high speed, latch onto the foes neck and spin all the way around the foes neck slicing through, if done correctly, can rather detach the head, or just cut through all the main parts (NOT detaching head)))
- Images - sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs938.snc4/75099_163288797040705_100000787563228_276675_7124370_n.jpg